Dating an Exciting Upward Match that Our Powerful God Sent Just for Me

When we matched, my heart jumped with excitement. When you feel like a million bucks after an amusing and beautiful girl hits the like button next to your picture on Upward, you just have to share the good news with someone. Especially if you guys still like each other after a week. I can sense compatibility. We complement each other very well. There is no other explanation for the high degree of positivity of this match. However, it is likely that God is rewarding us both for our dedication to him.

We used the Christian-themed Upward dating app to find a date. She stumbled upon my profile and liked it and I got the notification that she did. Once I saw her, I immediately knew I had hit the jackpot. I liked her back. And we were a match.

As we began to message one another back and forth, the feeling was joyous and fun. We exchanged numbers and talked over the phone. The magic continued. We went out on a date, the magic continued. We talked more over the phone, the magic continued. We met again, the magic continued. She even cooked a meal for me. The magic continued.


Although it’s been only six days, these have been some of the best days of my life. She is funny and likes to laugh. So do I. She is smart and knows how to explain how she feels. I do as well. She likes to help others and work hard. Guess what? I do as well. She also doesn’t mind sitting in a car in quietness to enjoy the presence of someone. Yep! So do I.

Sometimes it’s the simple things that matter most. We don’t always have to go above and beyond when it comes to getting to know each other in order to have the best times. If you’re a simple person, you wouldn’t mind simplicity, especially if you aren’t looking for the opposite of you (fancy).

Phone conversations are always enjoyable. Both she and I tell some pretty incredible jokes. Most of the jokes are references to our unique experiences. For example, she gazes into my eyes in a trance-like way, totally putting me in a hypto state when we meet. I usually bring those moments back up at least once every two conversations: “I can’t wait to see you again so that I can get lost in your trance”. I’ll say it in a playful tone, although I mean it. It makes her laugh and feel special at the same time. She also brings up joke references, telling me that she is going to tickle me to death because I’m always laughing. In other words, she will continue making me laugh with her jokes.

My favorite one of her jokes is when she references Thanos taking over planets, comparing it to how she’s going to make me hers. Whatever destruction my ex-girlfriend did when we were together previously, she (this new girl) will make me better. I enjoy her jokes, they are satisfying. Her tone is playful, polite, and respectful.

Do I think she’s going to last?

In my honest opinion, if I continue to be a man and continue to pursue her, I think we can continue. She likes me, and I definitely like her. I will continue to show interest: buy flowers and gifts, set dates, send her texts of information that compliment her interests, talk to her for hours, etc.

Am I worried that the relationship may not work?

Nope. I’m confident in my abilities. I know I have what it takes to go the distance with her and I will continue to apply valued effort. My goal is to continue the compatibility that we currently experience today. There will be some struggles but I’m certain we could bounce back on the right track.

Meeting the wrong woman

I’ve met many women who were also compatible with me in the beginning. However, it didn’t last as long as I would wanted it to. We had many struggles but for some reason, we could never bounce back. I think a strong woman is important when it comes to overcoming adversities. The woman I’m currently dating seems to be strong. She is stronger than many of my women of the past. I think she is the right one. Only time will tell.

As for now, me and the wonderful girl I’m dating seem to be compatible. I’m satisfied, and so is she. We both seem to be on cloud 9 when we interact with one another and I haven’t felt like this in a while. I’m a stronger and more experienced man when it comes to relationships. And because I currently have a stronger woman, I think this combination of people types, we can make this thing last a while.

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